It takes a village to care for our kitties, and we couldn’t be happier to have Carter La Rosa as part of our community! Carter is our current Assistant Volunteer Coordinator and an amazing friend to all the CCC cats!

How did you first learn about the CCC?

Instagram. I saw a picture of Echo in a sweater with all the others hanging up behind him. I figured it must be a nice place if the cats have wardrobes. 

What made you interested in volunteering?

I needed something to get me out of the house last summer. But also I missed my childhood cat and roommate’s cat after he moved out. 

How long have you been volunteering with the CCC?

Just over a year I think!

What is your favorite part about volunteering?

Probably when all the food is prepared and being served. Herding cats is actually pretty cool. 

Any favorite moments so far?

Adopting my cat Goob (left) from the shelter for sure. But while volunteering a great moment was the Halloween costume photo shoot last year. I have to mention Echo again because he was great as Dracula and so comfortable in the costume because he was used to wearing sweaters. 

What advice would you give somebody interested in volunteering?

Don’t let Parker eat all the Churus. 

Goob (above) in all his blue-eyed glory. Below, some amazing artwork of Goob made by Carter’s girlfriend Azusa!